Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced the extension of lockdown period for 19 more days till 3rd May, 3020.
He has already announced some reliefs to the farmers ahead of the rabi crop harvest season.
Over all sowing of summer crops including rice, pulses and cereals are higher than the usual .
Pre-monsoon sowing activities were resumed in the Country.
Steps were taken to ensure the availability of fertilisers and pesticides.
The government has exempted all agricultural activities from the lockdown restrictions in order to boost agricultural production.
It is felt that a stimulus package may be announced in coming days to support micro, small and medium enterprises.
In the state a massive farming programme was launched to utilise 1.9 lakh hectares of fallow land in the state to increase the production of rice, ragi, fruits and vegitables.
Chief Minister declared in the routine press conference that Agri Youth Club will be formed to channelize the resourceful youth to increase agriculture production.
Various departments will be coordinated to utilise precision farming technology.
The nearly 56000 non residents displaced due to loss of employment in the Gulf countries will be utilised in the programme.
The land owners could farm on their own or lease out land to the local authority or Kudumbasree for cultivation.
Rs. 3000 crore will be sourced from the co-operative banks and NABARD to cultivate food crops, inter crops and cash crops.