Prime Minister Narendra Modi, addressed the nation and appealed to the citizens not to lower their guard in the fight against Coronavirus during the festive season as the virus is still around though restrictions have been lifted in the country. The Prime Minister appealed to the nation with folded hands to wear masks, sanitise hands and maintain social distance as he wanted to see them happy.
“Until a vaccine against this pandemic is found, we should never allow the fight against corona to weaken…. Even if the lockdown is gone, the virus has not.”
“If you are careless and move around without a mask, you are putting yourself, children and the elderly at risk.”
The Prime Minister quoted great poet Kabir Das and the holy scripture of Rramcharitmanas to make his point about not taking a disease until it is fully overcome.
Government is making all efforts to ensure that a vaccine reaches every citizen.
The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) also called for sustained caution against the pandemic that any negligence could lead to reinfection. ICMR is of the view that after Covid-19 infection, antibodies stay in the body for three to five months and if the person is infected again after 90 days, it is re-infection. The Covid-19 re -infection in India is currently under investigation and discussions and the results of the trials are under consideration and sustained caution is given by the Health Ministry also in this regard.
A central Team will be deputed to overlook Bihar government in conducting elections following the Covid protocols.